Image of YaraBela SULFAN
YaraBela SULFAN (26% N + 35% SO3) is a compound nitrogen and sulphur fertiliser, also known as ASN (Ammonium Sulphate Nitrate), which is ideal for use on crops with an increased sulphur demand for example oilseed rape.

YaraBela SULFAN contains nitrogen as nitrate and ammonium. Plants require nitrogen in the ammonium and nitrate forms, so by applying these forms the nutrients are immediately available for plant growth. Nitrates are the most efficient form of nitrogen and are key to achieving optimum yields.

YaraBela SULFAN contains sulphur as ammonium sulphate which is fully soluble and immediately available for plant uptake.

YaraBela SULFAN is a homogeneous, uniform-sized, high bulk density granular compound fertiliser for even spreading over wide bout widths. Being a compound fertiliser both nitrogen and sulphur are contained in every granule which eliminates segregation and allows even application of all nutrients.
Yara fertiliser bags now contain a minimum of 30% recycled plastic
Only available in England, Wales and Scotland.

Sulphur fertilisers: When spreading fertilisers containing sulphur it is recommended to regularly clean the spreader vanes using a rag with a 'WD40' type lubricant to avoid a build-up of deposits.


Winter Wheat: up to 125 kg/ha as the first spring application Actual rates should be based on previous SO3 use and cropping history together with soil and leaf analysis information. Always undertake a nutrient management plan to check sufficiency of all nutrients. Contact Yara area manager or agronomist for more information.


Sulphur fertilisers: When spreading fertilisers containing sulphur it is recommended to regularly clean the spreader vanes using a rag with a 'WD40' type lubricant to avoid a build-up of deposits.


Winter Wheat: up to 125 kg/ha as the first spring application Actual rates should be based on previous SO3 use and cropping history together with soil and leaf analysis information. Always undertake a nutrient management plan to check sufficiency of all nutrients. Contact Yara area manager or agronomist for more information.