Growth of the plants is stunted with delayed heading or no heading at all. The leaves are darker green than normal, but no clear symptoms can be found.
If the variety contains anthocyanine, the leaves may have a purple flush.
Phosphorus Deficiency
Symptomes may be confused with excessive nitrogen supply. Excess nitrogen leads also to dark green lettuce plants, but in this case the leaves are more rounded and the underside of the leaves does not turn purple.
Low temperatures may inhibit the uptake of P.
Due to strongly restricted growth and delayed heading, or no heading at all (rosetting), phosphorus deficiency causes high yield losses.
The leaves become dark green and can look fallow. Sometimes reddish discoloration appears. Older leaves show paper-like necrotic areas and finally die off.
With phosphorus deficiency plants develop less secondary roots than normal. Often roots show reddish discoloration .
Phosphorus deficiency on leaves and roots
Symptoms may be confused with excessive nitrogen supply. Excess nitrogen leads also to dark green lettuce plants, but in this case the leaves are more rounded and the underside of the leaves does not turn purple.
Low temperatures may inhibit the uptake of P.
Due to strongly restricted growth, and delayed heading, or no heading at all (rosetting), phosphorus deficiency causes high yield losses.
The leaves become dark green and can look crinkled. Sometimes reddish discoloration appears. Older leaves show paper-like necrotic areas and finally die off.
Phosphorus deficiency (right) compared to optimum supply
Symptoms may be confused with excessive nitrogen supply. Excess nitrogen leads also to dark green lettuce plants, but in this case the leaves are more rounded and the underside of the leaves does not turn purple.
Low temperatures may inhibit the uptake of P.
Lettuce (Field Grown)): 5 l/ha. Apply 10 to 14 days after transplanting or emergence. One or two repeat applications may be made at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 500 l/ha
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