Healthy grass - Happy cow - Hearty yield

Healthy grass - Happy cow -Hearty yield

There are many factors that need to be considered when putting together a spring grassland nutrition strategy. In this webinar, Philip Cosgrave is joined by Conrad Ferris from AFBI to talk about the planning behind a successful spring grassland nutrition strategy.

Topics covered include

  • Minimising losses and increasing nutrient use efficiency is now more important than ever whilst also ensuring the best yields can be achieved.

Available as an on-demand recording

The live webinar took place on Tuesday 12th January 2021 but don't worry if you are registering after the day as the webinar is still available on-demand to watch as a recording.


Philip Cosgrave
Philip Cosgrave
Grassland Agronomist
Conrad Ferris
Conrad Ferris
Grassland Specialist



Eva Ross
Eva Ross
Head of Marketing

How to get healthy grass and happy cows

Recent grassland webinars

Advice on managing fertiliser inputs on first cut silage crops this spring
Philip Cosgrave, Yara's Grassland Agronomist is joined by Nicola Ingram and Nigel Mills, Yara Area Managers for UK and Ireland, to discuss a range of topics to help inform farmers on how best to manage fertiliser applications this spring on silage crops.
Yara and CAFRE Nutrients Action Programme (NAP) - Update for fertiliser distributors
In this webinar Philip Cosgrave, Yara Grassland Agronomist and Aveen McMullan, Senior Agricultural Technologist at CAFRE provide an update on the Nutrients Action Programme (NAP) regulations relating to the use and application of inorganic fertilisers and an explanation of the requirement for fertilisation plans.
How to get healthy grass and happy cows
In this webinar, Philip Cosgrave is joined by Conrad Ferris from AFBI to talk about the planning behind a successful spring grassland nutrition strategy.
How to manage lime and fertiliser on a livestock farm
In this webinar, Philip Cosgrave of Yara and Kevin Havekes of Kilwaughter Lime collaborate to give an insight into how lime and fertiliser work hand in hand.
Grass, milk and robots - webinar
Our grassland agronomy expert Philip Cosgrave joins Cormac Garvey from Lely for this webinar to discuss grazing systems for robotic milking, grassland management and grassland nutrition management.
How manage grassland fertilisation in simple steps
In this webinar, Jon Telfer, Philip Cosgrave and Nigel Hester talk through the steps needed for successful grassland fertilisation.