Beans: 0.25 l/ha when plants are 5 to 15 cm tall. For moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals from the first application. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Lucerne: 250 to 500 ml/ha every 2 to 3 cuts. Water rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Parsnip: 0.25 l/ha 10 to 14 days after transplanting or when crop is 15 cm tall. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Swede: 0.25 l/ha from 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, one or two repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Turnip: 0.25 l/ha from 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, one or two repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Nuts (deciduous): 0.25 l/ha applied before flowering and again at fruit set. Water rate: 200 to 500 l/ha.
Leek: 0.25 l/ha applied two weeks after transplanting, or in the case of direct sown crops, when the crop is 15 cm tall. One or two repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Spinach: 0.25 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Water rate: 200 l/ha
Protected Crops: 0.025 litres per 100 litres water maximum concentration. Water rate: 1000 l/ha maximum. Refer to equivalent field grown crop for application timing.
Peas: 0.25 l/ha when plants are 5 to 15 cm tall. For moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals from the first application. Water rate: 200 l/ha
Calabrese: 0.25 l/ha from 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Cereals: 0.25 l/ha from the 5 leaf stage until the end of tillering (Zadoks G.S. 15 to 29). Water rate: 200 l/ha.
lupin: 0.25 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat once or twice at 10 to 14 day intervals if necessary. (For winter varieties apply the repeat sprays at spring re-growth). Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Kale: 0.25 l/ha from 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Beans: 0.25 l/ha when plants are 5 to 15 cm tall. For moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals from the first application. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Lucerne: 250 to 500 ml/ha every 2 to 3 cuts. Water rate: 50-200 l/ha.
Parsnip: 0.25 l/ha 10 to 14 days after transplanting or when crop is 15 cm tall. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Swede: 0.25 l/ha from 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, one or two repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Turnip: 0.25 l/ha from 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, one or two repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Nuts (deciduous): 0.25 l/ha applied before flowering and again at fruit set. Water rate: 200 to 500 l/ha.
Leek: 0.25 l/ha applied two weeks after transplanting, or in the case of direct sown crops, when the crop is 15 cm tall. One or two repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Spinach: 0.25 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Water rate: 200 l/ha
Protected Crops: 0.025 litres per 100 litres water maximum concentration. Water rate: 1000 l/ha maximum. Refer to equivalent field grown crop for application timing.
Peas: 0.25 l/ha when plants are 5 to 15 cm tall. For moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals from the first application. Water rate: 200 l/ha
Calabrese: 0.25 l/ha from 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Cereals: 0.25 l/ha from the 5 leaf stage until the end of tillering (Zadoks G.S. 15 to 29). Water rate: 200 l/ha.
lupin: 0.25 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat once or twice at 10 to 14 day intervals if necessary. (For winter varieties apply the repeat sprays at spring re-growth). Water rate: 200 l/ha.
Kale: 0.25 l/ha from 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.